Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday Five

A sweet bar gift from Caroline
From 50 and pouring last weekend at my brothers graduation (hello Nor'easter in May) to 90 and scorching the past couple of days, it's gone from winter to summer just like that. I'm hoping for at least a few spring days thrown our way to make the most out of the longer days.

I have a packed weekend starting with an Italian dinner tonight with family friends, sidewalk sale shopping tomorrow with Anu, and celebrating John's birthday in the city with drag brunch and rooftop libations.

Below are a few of my recent favorite moments. Have a great weekend!

 Words to live by

Corner fruit stands: the city's version of a farmer's market

Forecast: pouring with a chance of graduation

Mother's Day flowers from a local bodega

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Friday Five

A sweet bar gift from Caroline From 50 and pouring last weekend at my brothers graduation (hello Nor'easter in May) to 90 and scor...